Friday, November 12, 2010

blog entry # 9

This passage, “The Myth of War” by David Hume, is about how war is affect everyone, the countries fighting and how the media tries to give the public the wrong idea about War. Hume described here two types of wars, the false information we get from the media, that lies about what is really going on in war and the one that the people in the war are seeing, which is the real vision of war. Those who goes to war, the soldiers (…) are the one that really know what is war, and the media is just giving us another image of the way so we won’t go against it. But we have to be aware that more we remove ourselves from the war for mythic the war becomes. Like the author described it “ the myth of war is essential to justify the horrible sacrifices required in war, the destruction and the death of innocents. It can be formed only by denying the reality of war, by turning the lies, the manipulation, the in-humanness of war into the heroic ideal. (p116)” One sentence that really stroked me was when the author said, “If you kill your enemy his body becomes your trophy, your possession, and this has been a fundamental part of warfare since before the Philistines beheaded Saul. And when the rhetoric of war is long forgot, what happens to the heroic dead, the bereaved mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, and children of those killed lost? What comes of those who made, in the glib term of politicians, the supreme sacrifice? (118)” and I know Hume is telling the truth.
I have my own opinion about war and use of violence to solve something. I don’t think there is no necessarily for human to use violence to resolve a major problem, there is always a way to stop something, that how I see things. I see the images that the media tries to promote from the war but I know that is much worse than it is.

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