Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The American Life

This video by Ara Glass illustrated us a normal 6 grade class during an art class. Two classmates sat down together and out of nowhere created a fake TV camera out of a box with a whole in the middle and a cord. With this TV camera they started making news report about everything and anything. Everybody envy them and wanted to have the same TV camera. The next day everybody made their TV camera and was making their news report. The TV camera became a trend and the shows became competitive. As day passed by, everyone try to make their camera fancy by adding new tools: for example a girl will add a pink cord, or someone will make a stand that will support the camera.
One day, a kid was getting beat up pretty badly by a bully, the kid surrounded them but instead of helping the hopeless boy they started recording and making their news report. It was as if the TV camera has sucked out all their sense of empathy. Teacher had to come and help the poor kid that was getting beat up. The teachers then decided to ban the TV camera because it went out of control and had changed the kid’s behavior. The kid acted differently behind the camera, they were over taking by the envy of reporting what was going on whether than helping the kid.

The message that the author is trying to project here is that, one minor thing can change everything else. I see that on my everyday life. Technology will be an example; the improvement of technology such as iphone, kitchen equipments had a major impact on our life. I don’t need to wash dishes like before I could just put them in the machine and press a button and it clean. Instead of going outside and play most kid stay home watches TV or play video games and this has a major impact on their health because they don’t exercise enough. Another example will be the iphone listening to music all the time, even when we around people we know and this has an impact on how we communicate and on our health because of the radiations. I could write an entire paper on how one thing can change everything else. If I had the choice I would have lived in the time where there wasn’t all these innovation to interfere with our everyday life.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Confused about my topic!!!

I thought I knew what I wanted to write about for me research paper. Now that I think about it, I already wrote a paper about leadership and used Nelson Mandela as an example and it will be repetitive to use the same topic again. I had another topic as “privacy and internet” but I found out that I’m not that interested in this, and I won’t enjoy writing a paper about it.
My mind is wondering around and try to find a topic that would engage me enough to write an excellent and inspiring paper about it. I know for sure that I’m inspired by children and health and I’m hoping to become a pediatrician. However I still don’t know how to embrace and combine those two topics and make a research paper. I thought about writing a paper that will talk about the children’s rights and how certain countries didn’t signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child . One of the country that didn’t ratified the convention is the United States, however, children here have more rights and benefit to more things as education and health than other countries that actually signed the Convention. I could try to gear to that direction and use specific example but I still don’t know if this topic need to be narrow down further.
Another topic that I would like to consider is the attitude of children throughout the world. On how child’s attitude and behavior differ depending on the environment and people that surround them. Being raised in Africa with a specific manners and education, the way I treat my parents and elder is slightly different from how other teenager my age treat their own. I remember, I was on the bus when a girl (age average 17-19 years old) was behind me and was talking on the phone with her mother. She started screaming, and yelling at her saying “ you are in no place to settler rules, last semester I was on the street all the time and you never say nothing about it so now you don’t got no right to say anything I will come back home when I feel like it.” I was startled on the tone she used to talk to her mother. I would never be able to use that tone to talk to my mother even though she makes me mad and furious, it just the way I was brought up. I don’t know if this topic will end up being too personal or whether or not I would be able to find credible information to support my thesis.
Overall, instead of moving forward I’m moving backward. I must find a topic before next week so I could begin my research. If you guys have any recommendation for topics you believe that I would be intereset in don’t hesitated and let me know. I could use some little hint :p.