Thursday, February 17, 2011

Confused about my topic!!!

I thought I knew what I wanted to write about for me research paper. Now that I think about it, I already wrote a paper about leadership and used Nelson Mandela as an example and it will be repetitive to use the same topic again. I had another topic as “privacy and internet” but I found out that I’m not that interested in this, and I won’t enjoy writing a paper about it.
My mind is wondering around and try to find a topic that would engage me enough to write an excellent and inspiring paper about it. I know for sure that I’m inspired by children and health and I’m hoping to become a pediatrician. However I still don’t know how to embrace and combine those two topics and make a research paper. I thought about writing a paper that will talk about the children’s rights and how certain countries didn’t signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child . One of the country that didn’t ratified the convention is the United States, however, children here have more rights and benefit to more things as education and health than other countries that actually signed the Convention. I could try to gear to that direction and use specific example but I still don’t know if this topic need to be narrow down further.
Another topic that I would like to consider is the attitude of children throughout the world. On how child’s attitude and behavior differ depending on the environment and people that surround them. Being raised in Africa with a specific manners and education, the way I treat my parents and elder is slightly different from how other teenager my age treat their own. I remember, I was on the bus when a girl (age average 17-19 years old) was behind me and was talking on the phone with her mother. She started screaming, and yelling at her saying “ you are in no place to settler rules, last semester I was on the street all the time and you never say nothing about it so now you don’t got no right to say anything I will come back home when I feel like it.” I was startled on the tone she used to talk to her mother. I would never be able to use that tone to talk to my mother even though she makes me mad and furious, it just the way I was brought up. I don’t know if this topic will end up being too personal or whether or not I would be able to find credible information to support my thesis.
Overall, instead of moving forward I’m moving backward. I must find a topic before next week so I could begin my research. If you guys have any recommendation for topics you believe that I would be intereset in don’t hesitated and let me know. I could use some little hint :p.


  1. You have a lot of good ideas floating around here, Sofia. If you want to compare child behavior, you might consider researching how parenting styles vary in different cultures. We have a reading coming up in week 14 that considers the Chinese/American perspective on this. What is the impact of these different approaches in parenting styles on the children as they grow up? It's a question worth exploring, yes?

  2. I am also confused about my research topic because i wanted to do censorship but I do not know if that would keep me engaged and I do not know if it will engage my audience. I genuinely like the topic about how a child's behavior is affected by their environment. For instance, I'm Haitian, and I would never talk to my elders the way that girl spoke to her mother on the phone. The only problem with this topic is that there is a variety of things that cause a child to behave the way they do. It is not only their environment it is the attention they receive by their parents, how they are disciplined, and what morals and values are instilled. Thus, I believe your topic should include more elements, or it should be condensed further.

  3. Sofia, I am very interested in some of your topics. I do believe that you should research a different topic other than Nelson Mandela since previously you have written about him previously as you stated in one of your posts. It is interesting that you brought about the topics of health and children and how you want to become a pediatrician. I believe that you may find it helpful to do you research paper on something related to your major. I plan on writing my research paper about a topic that deals with either Special Education or Speech-Language Pathology since that is what I plan on majoring in. If you choose to do your research paper on a topic that relates to you major I feel like it would actually be useful. Of course you can do you research paper on a topic for just enjoyment and interest but also to gather knowledge as you further your studies into you major maybe be it would be beneficial. As for your idea about the “attitude of children throughout the world” I think that that may be tricky and may cause you to want to put in personal experiences which is good but does not fit into a research paper. I do have a suggestion to add about that topic. Maybe you could do your research on different customs and mannerisms throughout the world. You may find some to be very interesting and others may even shock you. Since you were born in another country I am sure that when you came to the United States some of our customs and mannerisms were “strange” to you. I have traveled to Europe and even though I was a fairly young girl at the time certain aspects such as how men and women dressed on the beach was a little “shocking” to me. Of course, no custom or mannerism is bad it is just different from what we may be used to. Maybe you could do your research on a topic about Africa since you have lived there and can look at it from different points of view; from when you actually lived there to when you lived in the United States and maybe a topic will come to your mind. I am also having some trouble figuring out my topic because I know what I would like to do but just not sure how to incorporate two things of my interest into one topic. You’re not the only one struggling to figure out a topic but I am sure that you will pick a topic that you will love. Good luck and hopefully these ideas are helpful to you.
