Thursday, October 21, 2010

blog entry #6

In this passage from Paul Robert who was a scholar of linguistic. Robert is describing us here how we could ameliorate our writing and became better writers. The thesis of this passage is” All subjects, except sex, are dull until somebody makes them interesting. The writer’s job is to find the argument, the approach, the angle, the wording that will take the reader with him. But there are some things you can do which like make your papers, if not throbbingly alive, at least less insufferably tedious than they might otherwise be.”(p35 #13). In other words, this passage should help us became better writer, make our paper stand out from the other papers and make our colleges essays interesting.
Robert gave us different ways of improving our writing such as; to avoid the obvious content and take the less usual side that everyone in the class will try to avoid it. That will make the paper different from other and when the teacher will start correcting the paper, when they will get to that paper he will be glad to read another type of essay. Doesn’t matter if you are not taking the side the teacher seem to like. Robert advice us to avoid abstraction, and instead of being general we should try to use more specific approach to illustrate the ideas. Using extra words to fulfill a sentence will just make the paper mediocre; according to the author instead of turning around the bush we should go straight to the point and make the sentence clear. Robert advice us to delete the cliché sentences and find academic word that could replace them. Writing and speaking is two different ways, writing like you speaking will lower your grade. Like the author mentioned here, one of the most struggle the writer face is to find the right word in the right place. However over using fancy isn’t the right solution either, because it will leave an impression to the teacher that you are trying to hard or you don’t even know how to use those words. The last ways the author mentioned were colorful and colorless words. Which mean instead of just using one adjective to describe a moment, a place, a person, (…) we should use multiple words that will make our writing more vivid and make the reader have a picture of what we describing. However, using too many of this work will overload the paper and make it even less interesting.
Reading this passage made me realize how so far I have been using what the author here advice us to avoid. I now know what kind of expression and transaction words to not use. Before when I was getting ready to write an essay I always first analyze the teacher of examine which side the teacher will prefer then decide to take that side. But now I know that taking the side the teacher doesn’t support in a subject is fine. The least the teacher could do is to give us a hire grade afraid that we will use it against him because of the impartiality.

This amazing searching paper from Emily Martin who is a professor of anthropology is showing us how the language has a important power and it can influence people way of thinking and seeing things.  Martin thesis is” The stereotypes imply not only that female biological process are less worthy than their male counterparts but also that women are less worthy than a man. Part of my goals in writing this article is to shine a bright light on the gender stereotypes hidden within the scientific language of biology.”(p42).Martin is accentuating here throughout the sperm and egg how the man is seen as the superior and the egg as the weaken one is this stereotype is promoted from the scientific.  According to the author the scientists characterize the egg as “femininely”(p43), “large and passive, does not move or journey,”(p43) and the sperm is characterize as “masculine”, streamlined, activate the development program of the egg, strong, and efficiently powered.”(p430. They also promoting the fact that the woman cycle which produce 400 to 500 in her lifetime and the menstruation are identify as a waist even though the man system produce 100 million sperm per day which mean two trillion sperm in his life time but the man reproductive system isn’t identify as wasteful. And also the fact that the men system will stay productive until the end of his life when the woman system will worn out and loose strength years after years. Even when they found scientific prove that the sperm was less powerful once it get the woman system, the scientist found a way to turn it around and make the woman be as the evil person who will spread her spider wed and trap the sperm till death. The woman role also get lowered whether we are weak, useless and passive or whether we are a big danger, seen as deadly spider.
Reading this passage made me realize how language is powerful, how by insisting over and over and making people believe certain thing it could have an impact on everyone. I’m sure that most of the man who will read this passage will feel insulted and will try to find arguments to go with the scientist theories. As a woman, I believe my reproductive system is the most amazing thing because the feeling I will have when my baby will grow in my placenta no other man could feel it. I feel lucky for that and I know for sure those scientists are wrong and they can’t fool me. The scientist don’t want to see the reality or may be trying to lie to themselves to make them and other people believe that the man still have a certain power in everywhere. I strongly believe that we are as strong as men because what we going throughout for ninth months and then for 24h during the labor no man can’t go through it. The scientist are may be trying to fool themselves and their ego but all woman know that our system is the most beautiful and amazing thing.

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