Monday, October 4, 2010

blog entry Shitty first dratfs

The author here is talking about the procedure of making a great essay.  She making an ironic, humorous and sarcastic approach about how we all struggle to find ideas put it together throughout several drafts then finally come to a great draft. She points out that even successful author make an awful first draft, we all need this step so we could improving it with other drafts.  She defines all draft with;
The first draft as a “the down draft” (p25) - where you suppose to put all the ideas that came to your mind, doesn’t matter if it is not organized, “child’s draft”(p22) nobody will see your draft so you could write anything you want relating to the subject.
The second draft is “the up draft”- where you try to fix things around, try to put it all together so it could be coherent, add up details where you think you could, develop some ideas, erase some ideas that where foolish…
The third draft is “the dental”- where you overlook for everything, check on the grammar, punctuation, spelling, making sure that every words is where it suppose to be.
She states that “the right words and sentences just do not come pouring out like ticker most of the time” in other words, you need to take time think thoughtfully, and revise in order to have the right sentences, it doesn’t often come like a strike.
Reading this passage made me feel comfortable about my first draft and me not achieving a perfect essay on the first draft. Sometimes, I found myself sitting down in front of a blank paper for several minutes, just staring at it, the only words that I wrote were my name the date, the assignment due date, and the teacher name. I just don’t know where to start and it frustrated me.  It made me realized that even professional writer goes through the same process as mine even though their writing still ends up better than mine. I found it humorous the way she put her voices on her head away, I don’t think I will be able to do that because the only voice that I here when I’m writing is “ OMG I will never finish this essay”, “ this is crap, improve it!!”....  

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