Wednesday, September 15, 2010

critical thinking #3 Stupid Rich Bastards

This passage describes a really poor family that the father works multiple jobs at the same time the mother has one job and they still don’t have enough money for their family. In their town, there is a huge separation between the poor and the rich people, Laurel’s father called the rich people “rich bastard”. The rich people had no respect for the poor people and underestimated them all the time, they though they are superior when it is not the case. The poor people talk with a raw language, they swear all the time just like how American always say “you know what I’m talking about”, and in the other hand the rich people that live in that town have a descent language and a hostile attitude.  Rich people didn’t respect the poor people valuable gadget they gave away in order to pay bills. The rich people thought that having money and wearing nice cloths was the secret of being happy but Laurel’s family were as happy as them. Laurel’s family put all their hope on her back hoping she will be the one to bring the family out of the miserable life once she will go to college and be successful. This is why Laurel never gave up on her university studies; she had this heavy duty on her back. I could refer this story to my own experience, I don’t come from a poor family however I’m the only one that my parent invested a lot of money for me to go to school and be successful. My brother and sister went to a community college I’m the only one who is in a private college. And I feel like I’m carrying this heavy weight on back because my parents are spending a lot on money one me and that I have to give them back by being a successful woman.
However I believe that it is not because you have a lot of money that means you are a better person. Actually rich people tend to have lack of gratitude and have the feeling to be better than the others.  
We all have this idea of if we work hard we will get to a better but it doesn’t apply to everybody. Earning a lot of money is a question of luck, you could be a hard worker and have a low income or you could be a lazy person do nothing and earn a lot of money.

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