Monday, September 13, 2010

introduction about myself

My name is soifiat
people usually call me Sofia because it is way easier...
I was born in Comoros Island which is situated on the North east of Madagascar.
I stayed there for 15 years then I went to France in a boarding school ( Paris) for years then i came here.
I speak 5 languages, french because it is the second language of Comoros, I speak 3 different languages that is from Comoros ( differents ethnics, different dialect) and of course I speak English.
This explain why I have such a weird accent when I speak English.
I seem quiet and shy but I'm a really outgoing person, and friendly.
My mother works at United Nations and grace of her I traveled a lot.
I went to differents places and learned a lot about other cultures tradition... I have a really open mind and I can't wait to know all my classmates.
You want to know what is my major? First i thought I knew what will be my major but now that I'm taking all these new classes about ethnic and East Africa, I realized that i would like to go further on these studies.
I want to be a doctor, I love being with children, so i figured out may be i should be a peditricis but then now I discover that I'm interested in these new subject. So yes, I'm confused, my mother told me may be i could be a doctor without bounderies, work at the UNICEF... I really don't know.
But I will figure all this out soon.
Now enough talkin about me and let's start getting to know each other.
Friendly Sofia ....

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