Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blog Entry #2 Nickel and Dimed; On ( not) getting by in America

This passage is about Barbara Ehrenreich who is a known outspoken social critic, she is demonstrating us here the research she did so she could have a subjective point of view about poverty. Barbara used an informal language so we could have a vivid observation of how the people around her (low-wage workers) really are. Barbara is a journalist earn over 50,000 per month, she is a middle class worker. However as a journalist she prefers to apply the “old-fashioned kind of journalism” and live like a low-wage worker and see how it really feels. She had to find a new house with a low rent, and then find a low-wage job. Like every low-wage worker, she struggle finding a job but finally got one at a “restaurant family”.
I have experience myself the going around every store for a job. Few months ago, I was looking for a job, a part time job but I couldn’t find a reasonable one. Whether they were asking too much and paying less or whether they needed me to stay till late. Me being a student I can’t allowed myself spending more time at work then studying or in class, so I decided to stop looking for a job and just concentrate in school. My parents were against me going to work anyway!

Barbara left all her luxury behind her and was now living like a normal low-wage worker, just that she didn’t have children or wasn’t paying health insurance. She was paid $2.43 per hour plus tips and was working hard as if this was her real life job. I think the quotation from Booker T. Washingtonian is relevant “If you’re going to do something, do it well” I think everyone can relate this quotation to themselves. Personally, when I’m doing something I always make I’m putting 100% attention to it. When I’m doing something I try to make it unique and make it better than anybody else. For example when I’m writing an essay I do extra research and add my own style of narrative to make it come out from other essays.

Throughout this experience, Barbara was amazed how this people (low-wage workers) was struggling and doing everything to survive but was still good people and were way too smart to be working as waitress, hostesses …

Even though there are hard worker out here working hard for their family working two jobs at the same time, this part of people are a minority. I think American rely too much on welfare and believe that what is the point of getting up and work when you can get money just by making babies and staying home. If I was a single mother and I was receiving all this help from welfare going to work would never cross my mind. I could just stay home and take care of my children. I think they should reduce several options they give on the welfare or give the welfare to only people that need it!

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