Wednesday, March 16, 2011

BLog #7

What would I do if I had one hour left? That a complicated and delicate question and I really don’t know where to start. I never really ask that question to myself and now that I think about it I have no idea where to commence. I’m not even good at managing my time for homework so I don’t know how I will be able to manage my last hour of breath. I will accomplish so many things that I will still be doing them after 59minutes. I won’t waste one second at all, I will be running all over the place to finish what I have in mind.
For the first time, I will manage my time and make sure I time everything that I do so I will be able to accomplish everything. I know for sure, I won’t spend this last hour doing my homework, going shopping, pampering myself, talking on the phone, texting or going to see my boyfriend. There is a specific way I want to spend this last hour. For this last hour I would like to leave a memorable souvenir or me to the people I love.
First of all I will try to reunite my family and all the people that I love including my boyfriend and spend quality time with them. I will stay with them for at least 20 minutes. I will tell them how much I love them, how they are special to me and how being with them and receiving their unconditional love is what kept me going. After those 20 minutes, I will invite them to a fine restaurant and have fun dance and laugh. Anybody that I love are aware on how I care about their stomachs and always try to make sure they are full and happy. We will spend approximately 30 minute at the restaurant. For the remaining 10 minutes, we will go get ice cream at “ Cold Stone”. What would I order? I will order my triple chocolate “ Chocolate Devotion” and go back home to devour our delicious ice cream. Yes, I love chocolate , I actually live through chocolate. Believe it or not but I must eat chocolate at least once a day or I will have a bad day.
You might find it weird but I would like to spend my last minutes devouring chocolate ice cream and being surrounded by people I love. There is nothing better than the combination of love and ice cream. What I just described here is what I refer as a perfect day. I had spend days like this with my family and I miss it because now everyone is too busy at school, work or being a mother to hangout.

1 comment:

  1. "The combination of love and ice cream" sounds like a good one to me. Add a little Chocolate Devotion and I can understand how you might enjoy your perfect day....
