Thursday, March 10, 2011

How I'm doing so far

How I’m doing so far? So far, so good. In overall I’m doing good in all my classes and I’m planning to declare my major next semester. I will declare my major as chemistry or biology; I’m still thinking about it and I will take classes this summer to make my final decision.
I don’t know about you guys, but I hate this ugly weather and I can’t wait for summer to come. I’m just struggling to control what goes on my dish so I could look good on my swimsuit and summer cloths!!!Otherwise, everything is great just busy studying for my midterm and starting my research paper. I still want to write my paper about the diseases in Africa before and after colonization. I’m in the middle of my research taking information in and evaluating whether or not I can use it or whether or not it reliable. The trip at the library and the classes with the librarian really helped me, I thought I knew how to use my library facilities but I was wrong!!!!!! There is a lot more credible websites I could use from the library that will guide me through my research. By the way, yesterday while I was in the process of typing keys words and looking for journals, books or articles I found another topic that I could elaborate. Yes I know I might change my topic again, I’m tempted!! The new topic is about the difference and connections between western and traditional medicine. This topic is really appealing, and I’m really tempted to write about it. For now I’m collecting research from both topics and then I will decide which one of them to pick depending on the information I will gather. Like I always said, this paper is tricky and one topic can lead you to another topic and that is confusing and tricky!!!! Hopefully I will make my decision for my topic this weekend.
Have a great day everyone and be careful with the storm today !!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad the library visits were helpful. It's good to know that we have such great resources to use, yes?
